Optima Workshop at PLA2025Europe

Optima Workshop at Paperless Lab Academy® conference 2025

Optima Workshop at PLA2025Europe

1080 1080 Optima Team

Optimise the effectiveness of your lab operations by improving your turnaround time.

How to benefit from a Laboratory Resource Management Solution.

Within the realm of computer science, laboratory informatics has quickly developed into a specialised field of its own. Defined as specialised applications for the optimisation and improvement of laboratory operations, lab informatics is one of the fastest growing areas of laboratory technology.

The fact is that the applications available on the market today are very much geared towards laboratory operations from a data flow perspective and focus mainly on providing solutions for 1) capturing raw data, 2) converting it into information and 3) providing analysis and visualisation tools to support decision making.

Meanwhile, the extremely time-consuming lab operations related to scheduling, planning and coordinating resources for the proper and timely execution of activities were relegated to multiple Excel spreadsheets, sticky notes on a whiteboard, numerous back-and-forth communications for constant updates…

Join us at the Paperless Lab Academy® Conference, 12th European Edition  in Milan, on March 18 & 19 2025.

The Paperless Lab Academy® Conference, 12th European edition, in Milan on March 18 & 19, 2025 offers visitors with a dedicated programme composed of plenary sessions, panel discussions and interactive workshops.

We are proud to announce that Optima will be running an  interactive workshop at #PLA2025Europe.

During this session we will introduce you to the concept of Optima LRMS, show you real-life use cases and actively discuss how you can benefit from it.

This interactive session is inviting lab Managers, IT business partners, Operational excellence, and innovation leaders looking for releasing valuable assets from daily time-consuming activities.

The aim of this session is to provide you with valuable insights for your short, medium and long-term laboratory activities and to support your strategic planning.
